Range Slider


Displays a range slider control.


This control displays a range slider

Example Usage
{[ rangeslider label:'Range Slider' min:'0' max:'100' step:'.1' value:'10' isrequired:'false']}
Parameter List

This control supports the following parameters:

  • label (Range Slider) - The label to display above the control.
  • showlabel (true) - Whether to display label.
  • min (0) - The minimum amount on slider
  • max (100) - The maximum amount on slider
  • step (1) - The amount of increment at a time
  • value(0) - The amount to initially set the control to.
  • isrequired (false) - Require the range slider to have a value
  • validationmessage (Please select a value.) - Message to display when the value is not valid.


Below is an example of the range slider in use.

{[ rangeslider label:'Range Slider' min:'0' max:'100' step:'.1' value:'10' isrequired:'false']}