Date Picker


Displays a date picker.


This control displays a date input.

Example Usage
{[ datepicker label:'My Date' name:'my-date' isrequired:'true' value:'{{ 'Now' | Date:'M/d/yyyy' }}' ]}
Parameter List

This control supports the following parameters:

  • label (Date) - The label to display above the control.
  • showlabel (true) - Whether to display a label.
  • name (date) - The name for the date picker control.
  • value - The date to initially set the control to.
  • isrequired (false) - Establishes whether making a selection is necessary.
  • validationmessage (Please provide a date.) - Message to display when the value is not valid.
  • additionalattributes - Additional attributes to include on the input control.


Below is an example of the date picker in action.

Single-Select Picker
{[ datepicker label:'Today Date' name:'my-date' isrequired:'true' value:'{{ 'Now' | Date:'M/d/yyyy' }}']}