Campus Picker


Displays a campus picker.


This control allows you to select a campus.

Example Usage
{[ campuspicker label:'Primary Campus' value:'1,2' types:'768' statuses:'765' selectablecampuses:'1' ]}

Below are the parameters for the campus picker shortcode.

  • label - The label to display above the control.
  • showlabel (true) - Whether to display label.
  • name (campus) - The name for the campus picker control.
  • value - The ID or Guid of the currently selected campus(es).
  • valuefield (id) - Specifies whether the picker's value should correspond to the campus' id or guid.
  • includeinactive (false) - Determines if inactive campuses should be displayed.
  • campustypes - Filters the campus list by type (comma separated list of defined value ids).
  • campusstatuses - Filters the campus list by status (comma separated list of defined value ids).
  • selectablecampuses - List of specific campuses to display (comma separated list of campus ids).
  • longlistenabled (false) - Enhances the functionality to include a search feature, facilitating swift and efficient selection of the preferred item from the list.
  • allowmultiple (false) - Determines if the selection of multiple values is allowed.
  • isrequired (false) - Establishes whether making a selection is necessary.
  • validationmessage (Please provide a campus.) - Message to display when the value is not valid.
  • additionalattributes - Additional attributes to include on the input control.

The above settings enable a wide range of filtering options for the list. Regardless of the filter configurations, the current value will consistently be shown.


Below are several examples of the campus picker in action.

Single-Select Campus
{[ campuspicker name:'campus' label:'Primary Campus' value:'1' valuefield:'guid' ]}

Multi-Select Campus
{[ campuspicker name:'campus' label:'Available Campuses' value:'1' valuefield:'id' allowmultiple:'true' ]}