In this use-case, we'll display a search result featuring 20 different articles. As users enter search terms, the
results will dynamically update to match. This search functionality is basic, focusing solely on article titles. For a
more comprehensive search, consider using Universal Search.
Client Content
Below is the Lava template for the front-end client.
<div class="well p-3">
<input class="form-control"
name="q" placeholder="Search..."
hx-trigger="input changed delay:500ms, search"
<small class="text-muted">Recommended Searches: Church, AI, Digital</small>
<div id="articles">
Endpoint Template
Here is the Lava template for the endpoint.
{% assign searchTerm = 'Global' | PageParameter:'q'%}
<small>Searching: {{ Form.q}}</small>
{% contentchannelitem where:'Title *= "{{ Form.q }}" && ContentChannelId == {{ ConfigurationRigging.ArticleContentChannelId }}' sort:'StartDateTime desc' limit:'20' securityenabled:'false'%}
{% for item in contentchannelitemItems%}
{% assign returnCount = contentchannelitemItems | Size%}
{% if returnCount == 0%}
<div class="well">No articles matched your search.</div>
{% endif%}
<div class="article card mb-3 d-flex flex-row" {{ nextPageCall}}>
<img class="card-image width-third" src="{{ item | Attribute:'Image','RawValue'}}">
<div class="card-content align-self-center ml-3">
<h4>{{ item.Title}}</h4>
<p><small class="text-muted">{{ item | Attribute:'Author'}}</small></p>
<p>{{ item | Attribute:'Summary'}}</p>
{% endfor%}
{% endcontentchannelitem%}
Here's the working demo of this feature, currently paging five items at a time. For most use cases, you
may want to load more items simultaneously.